Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki


(in Repentance)Devil Treasure Room door lockedDevil Treasure Room door with Devil's CrownDevil's Crown

A Treasure Room, or Item Room, is a room that contains items from the Treasure Room item pool. They appear in chapters 1, 2, and 3 (and 4 if Isaac holds (in Afterbirth † and Repentance)Bloody CrownBloody Crown, 5 with (in Repentance)Holy CrownHoly Crown or (in Repentance)Wicked CrownWicked Crown). Two also appear in the (except in Rebirth)??????. A Treasure Room can be identified by the gold edges of the door. When the current floor is under the effect of Curse of the LabyrinthCurse of the Labyrinth, making a floor an XL floor, there will be two treasure rooms on the floor instead of one.

Treasure rooms on the first floor of any run do not require a key to open, even under the effect of Curse of the Labyrinth. Treasure Rooms never border more than a single regular room, but there may be a Secret RoomSecret Room adjacent to it.

(except in Rebirth) In Greed Mode, Treasure Rooms appear in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and are always locked. Silver Treasure Rooms appear next to these rooms, they give items from the Boss Room item pool but are always unlocked.

Variations[ | ]

  • (except in Rebirth) There is a rare chance that a treasure room might contain two items, only one of which can be taken.
  • (except in Rebirth) Treasure rooms may contain a Shop Restock MachineShop Restock Machine, allowing Isaac to re-roll offered items if he has coins or bombs.
  • (in Afterbirth †) There is a chance that 2-3 Greed GaperGreed Gapers may appear in the room.
  • (in Repentance) There is a chance that 2 BulbBulbs may appear in the room.
  • (in Afterbirth † and Repentance) Treasure rooms can also rarely contain two items that can both be taken or PoopPoop, a trinket, and a couple of pickups instead of an item, though these are very rare occurrences.
    • (in Repentance) If a Treasure room on the alt path spawns with an extra item, it will have three items. One can be taken freely while the other two are still a choice. There is no visual indication which is which, although one of the choice items is still hidden.
    • (in Repentance) On the alternate path, the rare, bad treasure room layouts without an item may contain a BeggarBeggar, a Key MasterKey Master, a Bomb BumBomb Bum, various pickups, or chests, depending on the current stage.

Layouts[ | ]

Standard[ | ]

Double Items[ | ]
